Wreck #15,George H. Waud (1866-1902)
Schooner, 139x31 ft., 2 masts
Coordinates (approximate location):
- 43.845683°, -082.644563°
- 43° 50.74098', -082° 38.67378'
- 43° 50' 44.4588", -082° 38' 40.4268"
Wreck is 270 ft. from shore on a bearing of 245 degrees. Public access from the Harbor Beach light site at the end of State Street.
Check Maritime Database for vessel details. Location is in Harbor Beach.
The wreck of the schooner George H. Waud (1866) is located just off the shore at Harbor Beach near the east end of State Street. It is easily accessible from the parking area. The water depth is about 6 ft.
Michigan's historic shipwrecks are protected by law. Please do not disturb any remains.